Stanislaus Service 
Center Council

​The California Teachers Association and Ceres Regional Resource Center support the following Chapters in Stanislaus County:


Atwater Teachers Association
Ceres Unified Teachers Association 
Chatom Union Educators Association
Denair Teachers Association
Empire Union Teachers Association 
Hart-Ransom Teachers Association        
Hickman Association of Teachers
Hughson Educators Association
Keyes Teachers Association
Knights Ferry Teachers Association
Modesto Teachers Association
Newman-Crows Landing Teachers Association
Oakdale Teachers Association
Paradise Teachers Association
Patterson Association of Teachers
Riverbank Teachers Association
Roberts Ferry Teachers Association 
Salida Teachers Association
Shiloh Teachers Association
Stanislaus Association of Certificated Personnel
Stanislaus Union Teachers Association
Sylvan Educators Association                
Turlock Teachers Association 
Valley Home Teachers Association
Waterford Teachers Association